
Why rent a dedicated server for your company Euresa System

Why rent a dedicated server for your business ?

Companies have several choices to make their website permanently accessible. Many of them opt for shared hosting. However, this solution is likely to be unsuitable when their performance needs increase.

If this is your case, consider the rent a dedicated server for your company.

Qu’is it’a dedicated server ?

A dedicated server is a computer server made available to a single client. It is’as opposed to a shared server whose resources are shared among several users. This solution is rented from a dedicated hosting provider.

It provides the customer with the RAM and disk space adapted to his needs. There are several kinds of dedicated servers:

  • The physical dedicated server, which remains the most popular solution for hosting a high traffic website. Since its configuration is the client’s responsibility, it is recommended to entrust it to a professional. This is the best way to optimize security and performance;
  • The virtual dedicated server which is located in the cloud. This solution is particularly adapted to the hosting of complex, evolving and high traffic websites.

In addition to websites, dedicated servers can be used to host web applications, a mail server, online games, etc. They can also be used to meet needs related to big data, machine learning or infrastructure virtualization. It is thus possible to find on the market all kinds of dedicated server rental offers designed to meet different needs.

Why rent one for your company ?

Rent a dedicated server for your company is beneficial in many ways. This solution will allow you to manage the server according to your needs since you will be the only user. You can therefore configure it as you wish.

Such freedom is essential to optimize the use of your business applications.

With dedicated hosting, access to your website will also be greatly improved. Indeed, it will no longer be affected by problems caused by traffic peaks such as bugs or slow loading speed. Know that Internet users generally leave a page when it does not load after three seconds. If your website is slow, you risk losing leads and increasing your bounce rate. Dedicated web hosting will avoid these inconveniences.

This solution will suit you particularly if you are in the e-commerce business. The same is true if your business is expected to grow significantly in the near future. In this case, your website will indeed require a large amount of resources.

Moreover, it is interesting to rent a dedicated server for your company for the security offered by this option. Websites hosted on shared servers may have security holes or be subject to attacks. On the other hand, a dedicated server guarantees optimal security, as only you will have access to it.

Your sensitive data will be perfectly protected.

In addition, the dedicated server rental can be more financially advantageous. The various services such as domain name, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), email accounts, etc. are indeed included in a single subscription.

Why rent one for your business?

How to choose your dedicated server ?

If rent a dedicated server for your company has multiple advantages, it is however necessary to select the offer the best adapted to its needs. To make the right choice, you should consider several criteria. The power of the server is the first.

If your site needs a lot of resources, go for a device with at least two processors.

The storage space offered is also essential. The loading speed of your site depends on it. It will be high as the available memory is important. Also pay attention to the number of hard drives.

If you need to make backups of sensitive data, the best option is to choose a main hard drive supplemented by a memory drive.

In addition, be sure to evaluate your bandwidth needs. Keep in mind’Remember that a high bandwidth will avoid malfunctions during periods of high traffic on your site.

The operating system (Linux or Windows) is another criteria to consider. Indeed, you will have to choose a dedicated server compatible with the website to host. Finally, decide if you want to manage the server yourself or delegate this task to the hosting company.

In the second case, you will have to check if the rental offer you intend to subscribe includes outsourcing.