
Is shoplifting still popular

Theft from the Internet’Is display still popular?

Shoplifting’Displaying video is a real problem for any business, which is why it is important to be aware of the risks involved’it is’acts of’a small local business or a small company’a large chain of stores. It is then necessary to’It is important to be equipped to prevent this crime as much as possible. Thus, which devices to implement for prevention and dissuasion, but also for repression ?

Theft Statistics display

The flight to the’display affects many countries. However, 3 countries are more affected. The UK has lost 8.8 billion’euros because of this type of piracy. For its part, France represents 7.3 billion’euros of loss.

L’Europe, meanwhile, has about 35 billion users’euros of damage.

The most affected sectors are varied. In Europe, it affects 42% of the food sector, including a loss of’about 20.7 billion’euros. Department stores, the DIY sector and the textile industry are also affected.

Losses are also noticeable in the food sector.

Most of the merchants who are victims of shoplifting are’display are usually located in downtown. However, the shopping centers can also be affected by shoplifting’display.

The different types of measures to fight against theft

Some establishments invest in security measures to prevent theft at the store’display. Here are some solutions.

L’installation of security gates

The installation of’an anti-theft system or security gates The external recorder is part of the many solutions to limit the theft to the’display in your store. Several types of security gates exist for this type of theft’establishment :

  • L’anti-theft device with RF technology or radiofrequency technology that works with liquids. It has’an average detection rate of 85. So, if you want to secure your store, use an anti-theft gate with this capacity.
  • The Security portal technology AM or acoustomagnetic system that can cover an average distance of 5 meters. Its detection rate is higher than that of the RF model, namely 95%. C’is a device that protects smaller items.
  • With regard to the’EM anti-theft device, it has’a 75% detection rate. It can be used to protect metal objects and other items’other items in your store.
  • The RFID security portal is the most effective model to prevent theft of goods’In order to display in your establishment. In addition, c’The use of a security gate is a quick way to take inventory of your items. It also allows to’identify the stolen product(s).

Security gates can use several forms of markers: labels, RFID chip, anti-theft sticker, etc, self-arming cable, spider, bottle case..

store security gate

Training staff to monitor the store

The staff is the best weapon to fight against shoplifting’display. You must teach your employees how to to monitor the goods in order to limit the loss of goods as much as possible. For example, as soon as’If a suspicious person enters the store, an employee must “check” to see if he or she has been robbed’It can be used as a “companion”, for example, by offering help up to’s distance’it sort.

In this way, it is not necessary to’The employee will not be in the habit of asking customers what they are doing’The opportunity to commit a robbery due to the fact that’he has the’s printing’be permanently monitored.

Also train your staff to have the right information’The employee will not be used to asking customers what they are looking for’they are looking for. In addition to the security of your products, it also allows you to prevent theft’to ensure their satisfaction.

L’Installation of surveillance cameras and mirrors

L’The installation of surveillance cameras is an effective way to limit theft in the home’display in your store. This also allows for’To identify any suspicious behavior and identify the goods that have gone missing. Several options are available’offer you :

  • Analog video surveillance is the most widespread. It uses analog cameras that require the use of a self-arming cable’using cables to connect to a monitor. In order to store a large quantity of products, it is necessary to use a’To prevent image theft, use a external recorder. In order to’To optimize the operation of your camera, the installation of a mirror is a must’an internet connection is a must.
  • The AHD camera type is another solution to prevent shoplifting’display in your store.
  • Security mirrors are also a good alternative to prevent theft at the gate’display in stores. They allow you to monitor areas that are difficult to access’access and entrances to your establishment. You can choose between the installation of ceiling mirrors or wall mirrors. Several shapes are available: triangle, quarter sphere, rectangle, half sphere or rectangle. Before using it’To install your mirrors, make sure to check the location distance d’observation.

The installation of metal curtains

The installation of metal curtains is another solution to deter thieves in your store. They will not only serve as a protection for your establishment, but also as a means of communication deterring thieves. No matter which model you have decided to use’It can be installed on your store, it can be manual or electric.

There are different types of metal curtains: solid slats, lace slats and perforated models.

security guard; security guard

The implementation of’a good lighting

To prevent and deter thieves in your store, a good lighting is the right thing to do. Different areas of your establishment must be well lit: facade, entrance area, etc’entrance, shop window, cashier’s area, etc.

You have the choice between the installation of’lighting for a’accentuation, of’a business lighting’a work area, l’decorative lighting or the’ambient lighting. Different types of doors’bulbs can also be used:

  • Halogen bulbs,
  • Fluorescent tubes,
  • The compact fluorescent light bulbs,
  • L’LED lighting..

The use of display services’a security guard

Hiring a security guard can be just as effective in combating shoplifting as in deterring it’display. It allows you to both prevent and deter theft’to ensure the protection of your establishment and deter thieves. You can choose a static security agent or a security dog agent.

Well trained and well equipped, the latter can make rounds to the’interior of your store to n’Any time.

Depending on the size of your establishment, you will need a virtual reality headset’and to dissuade thieves. These professionals can also help you to prevent fraud, scams, etc.

D’Other solutions are also available to fight against theft in the home’The use of display services in your store: installation of secure glass for shop window, installation of armored door (secondary access, service entrance, etc.).), storage of valuable items in a specific window, cash register monitoring..