
Real estate agencies and if you test the augmented reality

Real estate agencies: what if you tried augmented reality ?

If you are in charge of a store’If you are a real estate agency, it is normal to do everything you can to protect your property to boost your sales’business. However, have you thought about using the digital world ? And when we talk about digital here, we are not talking about classified ads on the Internet, or about the use of a digital camera’We are talking about immerse your customers in the digital world, to the’s help’augmented reality software ! Explanations.

How can augmented reality help in your organization?’real estate ?

Most of the time, when you are a real estate agent, you have to deal with two types of clients: those who are able to project themselves, and the others ! Unfortunately, the latter are in the majority, and it is not always easy to find a solution’It is not uncommon to have to redouble your efforts’efforts to help them. And if the ultimate solution was in augmented reality ? Indeed, with this technology you can immerse the customer in his future home by customizing it as much as possible to his taste (e.g., a door that is too small)’is a little bit the home staging of digital ^^)!

Let’s take a concrete example to illustrate this: you need to sell a property to be renovated. C’is something that can be complex since’it n’It’s not always easy to find one’Imagine what it will be like once the work is done… With the augmented reality software, you can then immerse your customer in the future. How ? Using either a virtual reality headset or a simple smartphone or tablet.

C’It is certainly simpler with a tablet, the customer takes it in the hands and turns the lens around to see what he is looking at’It is certainly easier with a tablet, the customer takes it in his hands and turns the lens around to see what it looks like: the decoration, the work, even people can be added ! Thus, the good no’In this reality, the property is no longer in need of renovation and you can sell it more easily.

Of course, even if this technology helps you greatly to increase your sales, The rest of the marketing should not be forgotten, such as the creation of a website’A blog on your website, in the office or in the office’objective of’attract prospects.